I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but most of our #TLTmantras have had a common theme lately: Getting. Stuff. Done.
It might be because we’re in peak wedding season right now — maybe? definitely — but also because it’s just how TLT operates. The list of reasons we’re proud of our team is endless and ever-expanding, but our work ethic is the hub of our wheel that keeps us running smoothly and successfully.
Day in and day out we are steadfast go-getters, risk-takers, nose-to-the-grindstone make-it-happen-ers, and all around hard workers in the truest sense. Sometimes we don’t always know what it’ll take to make it happen for our couples – and sometimes aren’t even clear on what “it” is – but we do know that our vision is clear and our dreams are big… and we are wholeheartedly committed to doing whatever it takes.
Some days, life feels like a breeze. Other days, it’s all we can do to keep ourselves upright. Those are the days this mantra returns to the forefront of our mind; those are the days we drink (pots of) coffee, put our hair up in buns, and handle it. And we’re always better for it.
Bottom line: working hard always pays off. Even if it’s not in the way you imagine. There’s almost always something good that comes out of a challenge, even if you don’t realize it when you’re in the thick of it. Care to partake in a fun exercise? Ok, great! Take a look back on some of the days you thought you’d never get through, the moments you thought would never pass, the weeks you feared would kick you down and never help you up. Now come back to the present and realize the absolute truth of the matter: you got through them! You’re here, on the other side! You got through that day (crushed it, actually), those moments passed (better than you thought they would, actually), and those weeks did give you a run for your money – but you handled them. You’re upright.
And you’re better for it. xo
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