Guys, I have to tell you- I have a lot of strengths, but I have some weaknesses, too. One of those weaknesses? Public speaking. Like, it’s bad. I’m getting better, but there’s a lot of work to be done.
So, when Heidi of Evolve Your Wedding Business contacted me about doing a Podcast focused on putting together Styled Shoots as a marketing strategy, I panicked. Of course I knew it was a good opportunity. But I also knew I’d battle my usual shaky voice, raspy throat, and generally unpleasant reactions that come out of me when I’m on the spot. Not cute.
Last year at this time, I maybe would have turned the opportunity down. This time though, I circled back to some of the goals I set for myself this year: to get more comfortable with being uncomfortable. To push myself. To do what’s best for my business, even when it involves something that’s maybe not my top choice (in this case, not in my top 10 choices!).
So, I did the Podcast. In the end, I had a great time chatting with Heidi, and I hope the information I shared will be helpful for those who may be starting out in the wedding design/planning business, or who are looking to collaborate with other vendors on something awesome.
If you have a few moments to spare, give it a listen!
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